Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sequencing events

The sixth graders practiced putting events in order. First, one student created a story using a beginning-middle-end graphic organizer. Then, they cut their story apart, mixed it up, and gave it to a partner. Their partner had to put it back together again in the right order and rewrite the story using the sequence words “first, second, next, then, finally.”  I put them in the display box on the stairwell to the third floor.  Don't they look great?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mill City Museum

Today the sixth graders took a field trip to the Mill City Museum in Minneapolis.  We explored the ruins of the old Mill, played with the model of the city, took a grain-elevator ride to learn about factory life, and watched a movie about the history of Minneapolis.  The students learned a lot about the flour business and the history of this area.  Here are some pictures I took from the ninth floor balcony of the mill:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

ACCESS testing

For the last two weeks the ELL students at CSE have been taking the ACCESS test, which is a new test the State of Minnesota has adopted to monitor the progress of ELL students accross the state.  It is a lengthy process at a school like CSE. We have to test each group of kids according to their ability level, and we can't have more than 22 kids in a test group.  We have to test them on three seperate occasions:  first for Listening and Reading, then Writing, and finally Speaking.  The Speaking test is administered indvididually, which of course takes a lot of time when 80% of the students in the school need to be tested.

The good news is that the ELL staff at the school have been very organized in the way they are administering the test.  We hope to be done administering group tests next week, and finish up the speaking tests the week after that.  If you have any questions about the ACCESS test or how it is administered at CSE, please send me an e-mail and I will be happy to respond.  We expect to receive the results from the test in May.