Saturday, September 3, 2011

A New Standard for ELL

During the next several weeks, the ELL teachers at CSE will be testing our new students in order to place them in ELL services.  The State of Minnesota has adopted a new set of ELL standards developed by an organization called WIDA.  The WIDA standards will be a good change for teaching ELL in Minnesota because they will help us better identify areas for growth in speaking, reading, writing, and listening in both social and academic English.  The test that the students will be taking is called the W-APT.  It is just a placement test for new students.  It can take up to 90 minutes, and is administered individually.  There are many new students at CSE who may qualify for ELL services, so testing could take us several weeks. 

In the Spring, all the ELL students will take the ACCESS for ELLs test, developed by WIDA.  This test will replace the TEAE and IPT tests that we have used at CSE in the past.  Learn more about WIDA, the W-APT test or the ACCESS test by clicking this link.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me.

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